Cudugnon Cave, El Nido

Is a most mysterious and intriguing place...Accesible only through a small opening, we had to awkwardly maneuver ourselves and our cameras to get to the other side. Feeling a little like Alice going through the rabbit hole, suddenly we felt overwhelmingly small next to the elevated ceilings and chiseled interiors. Shafts of light filtered down and illuminated the amorphous walls. Organic and sculptural, it is a work of art from all angles. We were inspired by the creative possibilities at this location and could have spent hours experimenting with our cameras. Here are a couple examples:

Naturally formed from millions of years of erosion, there is still uncertainty as to what the caves were used for. Archeological evidence suggests that it could have been a Neolithical burial place, because bones were found at the site. Located on the mainland of Palawan, the cave is definitely one of the highlights of "Tour B" in El Nido.